What sets the REACH for Nepal Foundation apart from many other not-for-profit charities is that all money donated to the foundation here in Australia goes to Nepal (apart from donation transaction fees incurred by the third party), as everyone who contributes to the foundation here in Australia do so in a voluntary capacity.
Your donation will help improve the lives of Nepalese people through projects that enable villages to become more self-sustaining and provide children opportunities for quality education, good health and values to provide them the opportunity as future leaders to improve the livelihood of coming generations.
If you wish to directly donate to us, our bank account details for direct deposit is outlined below. Should you require a tax receipt for this direct deposit, please email us the details of the donation at info@reachfornepal.org.
REACH for Nepal Foundation
BSB 062 908
ACC 1077 5658
Impact of your donations
Every dollar goes a long way in Nepal. Below are just a few examples of the impact your donation can have through one of our programs:
$20 can provide casual clothing for one child
$30 can provide school stationery for one child for a year
$40 can provide a complete school uniform (shirt, skirt/pants, sweater, shoes, and bag)
$80 can provide lunch funds for a student for a year
$200 can provide a couple of goats to help a family generate income under our Village Sustainability Project Scheme
We have several programs that need your support. If you don't specify a particular program, we will utilize your donation for the project that needs it most at the time.
All our work is valuable, so be confident that your contribution will make a difference wherever it goes!
Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible.