We often speak about the gratitude of the Nepalese people for the work we do in the villages, and the following farewell speech from a teacher at a school we visited in November illustrates this appreciation.
"Respected Director of the REACH for Nepal Foundation, and all the team members of the foundation, principal, parents, my fellow teachers, all the members of the school management committee and my dear students. Today I am very glad to see the very admirable persons from Australia as a team from REACH for Nepal. I am being here. It is really an unforgettable moment for me. The school is among the economically low class in the community. Most of the students are representing from this community. We know we have many problems in this school, it is in a remote area. The government provides limited facilities, that’s not enough. We have to face many challenges to face these problems.
We are very happy with the REACH for Nepal foundation and all team members for the great help.
I would like to remind everyone that the foundation has provided to our school student uniforms and bags, made a beautiful building and path staircase by their own hands. It is very inspirational, historic and unforgettable for the school and community.
The foundation had helped a little girl who was deprived from medical treatment because of economic problems. It was not only help, it was a life donation. She has got a new life and she is now coming to the school regular. It is really heart touching and praiseworthy work.
We deeply appreciate for the great help. We can’t express the happiness in words. We can found it in student’s smiles.
We expect to continue the further help from the organisation and thank you very much from the school community and myself for coming here and helping us.
I would like to wish you all, may God bless you always and have a nice trip. Thank you.”
Some photos of Shree Kalika School, the village and the volunteers from Australia
Thank you for everyone's ongoing contribution in Australia.