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Nepal Ambassador acknowledges Australian contribution

Canberra I September 21, 2018

Mr Lou Nulley, co-founder/director of the foundation accepting the certificate of appreciation from HE Lucky Sherpa

The Nepalese Ambassador Her Excellency Ms Lucky Sherpa earlier this week thanked the good work of people around Australia for their significant contribution to Nepal through the Canberra based REACH for Nepal foundation. The foundation was established in 2015 after the devastating earthquakes in April that year where 9000 people lost their lives and left many others destitute.

The award for providing support for social services, health and education was given to Lou Nulley for the work of the REACH for Nepal foundation to a broad group in Nepal. This was one of four awards given on the Nepalese National Day to Australians who have made a significant impact in Nepal over the 2018 calendar year.


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