Covid-19 is having a massive impact on Nepal’s remote and poor communities. The country’s been in total lockdown to control the virus for many months, and that has seriously impacted some families’ livelihoods.
For many families, income has completely stopped, and they are forced to rely on the good will of others to survive.
At REACH for Nepal (RFN) we are committed to helping struggling families through Covid-19, through ‘Livelihood Support’ packages.
With the guidance of community elders, we are identifying families that can receive NRs 5,000 (about $65 Australian dollars) per month for the next six months.
But for that, we need your help.
In Nepal, your donations can go a very long way. Just AUD $4 can provide lunch for a child at school for a month.
And remember, RFN is a volunteer-run organisation, so every dollar raised goes to those in need in Nepal.
For more information on the livelihood support packages please click here.
Click here to donate now.