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Build of two classrooms at Shree Kalika Secondary School

The construction site at Shree Kalika Secondary School, Banethok Syangja
The construction site at Shree Kalika Secondary School, Banethok Syangja

Project Synopsis

This school in Banethok, Syangja has 143 students up to Year 8 and is located in a remote part of the country. Children living from as far as an hour and half walk, call this their school. RFN spent some time with the School Management Committee & also the village elders, to identify the priority projects for the school.

The school was partly damaged by 2015 earthquakes and this resulted in less classrooms available for students to use. The build of the additional two classrooms would enable the school administration rooms not having to double up as classrooms, and also extend the level of education to years 9 and 10.

Canberra Grammar School (CGS) in conjunction with RFN spent 3 full days at the School in April 2019. During the stay the visiting party of 17 built a big classroom (able to be divided into 2 classrooms), and also built steps leading up to the school so the children have safe passage.


Bhirkot Rural Municipality, Banethok, Syangja

Google Map Location -


The school management aand villages have expressed their sincere gratitude to the students, parents and staff from the CGS for their assistance and friendship they have provided. Project Completed


Canberra Grammar School

Project outcome

Improved educational facilities and extending level of education available within the region

Thank you for everyone's contribution in Australia. Namaste


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